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All Membership Meeting

Event Date:



October 25, 2023

7:00 pm

3445 Washington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201 United States


Thanks to all of you who attended our last meeting on Friday, September 29th. We will have our next all membership meeting on Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 at 19:00.

For those who were unable to attend the last meeting or have yet to visit the new post, the street address is 3445 Washington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia 22201 and the main entrance is right next to the exterior flagpole.

The post has a very limited amount of parking in the basement of the building. We will have a representative at the entrance to the garage beginning around 18:30 to allow access for attendees of the meeting. Once all our allocated spaces are filled, we will pull the representative and place a sign encouraging additional members to park at any available street parking or across the street at the George Mason University, Arlington Campus, parking lot.